About Me

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Mornington, Victoria, Australia
I have been seeing clients and helping them to bring about changes in their lives for 40yrs. Bringing personal change and growth to those who come to see me. I see clients of all ages and occupations, they often tell me how much these sessions with me have brought about change and growth in their lives. It is an honour and a privilege to be witness to the personal power that lies dormant within you.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Monthly Motivators

Just when you think all is lost
Something is found.

Just when you have no hope,
Something appears.
Just when the world seems like a desert,
It turns and the beauty of the tropics can be seen.
If you are at a turning point right now,
It can seem as if you are lost, alone and in that desert.

But remember from confusion always comes change.
From stagnation always comes movement.

So realize you are in a state of flux,
Which is change, movement, and discovery,
So enjoy the excitement of new beginnings.

Remember you can do anything because you are everything.
Just when you feel alone,
You find you are all one.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday Motivators Happiness


Happiness is not a fleeting thing
happiness can be a permanent state of mind.
For that is what happiness is –
a state of mind.

Mind is the part of you that feels,
not the part of you that thinks,
this is your brain.

If you see mind as the part of you that feels,
and feelings emanate from thought,
then that is where your thinking comes into play.

Scientists say that chemical changes
 take place in your brain and stimulate feelings.
They do not consider the power of your thoughts.
Which comes first the thought or the feeling?
Which stimulates which?

It is easier to capture your thoughts as you think them,
there fore it is easier to control your thoughts
and there by change your feelings.

In this complex machine we exist in called our body,
it seems easier to say I have no control.
For taking control means you need to acknowledge your thoughts
and then take responsibility for them.
There is no one else in your head except you,
so only you are the one thinking in there.

External forces can exert a pressure on you,
but only you are responsible for your responses to these pressures.

Take control today; check in on your thoughts,
realize that which you are thinking and change your thoughts.
We all have heard of the power of positive thinking,
so we know how important it is,
yet it is very difficult to change
 from negative thinking
 to positive thinking.

I have a simple solution,
 that I have used with clients over many years.
So simple yet it works so well
just picture a rose!

It does not matter what your rose looks like,
 on one day it may be pink, the next red,
one day it may be in full bloom
the next a bud,
 the image does not matter.

The rose is the symbol of love
and this is the message you are giving yourself.

This is the go between step from negative to positive thoughts,
picture the rose and suddenly you have a change of focus,
simple yet so powerful.

Start growing your bed of roses today.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Motivators

Words are precious,
words are powerful,
do not waste them on trivia
or fighting.
Rather use them wisely and well.
for one word said at the right time
can bring about huge changes in the world.

What would the world be like now
if every one said no to war?
What would the world be like now
if every one said yes to peace?

You can make a great change
 in your world today,
just by using words.

Think of your favourite quotation,
or think of some thing of your own to say.
Then say it !!

send an email to all your friends
 with your words attached to it
 and see the effect this has upon peoples day.

We all need something positive popping up in our email box.

Here is mine

I can do anything, because I am everything.

Pass it on.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Monday Motivators. The Apple

Life is like an apple
 hanging on the tree,
Full of possibilities
Just for you and me.

It can grow an orchard
If it falls upon the ground
It can bring sustenance
If sustenance be found.

It has all the seeds of love
Deep within it’s’ core
Is it time for you to be an apple
As you open up life’s door?

You have an orchard waiting
For you to step inside
Yet you dither at the doorway
Or run away and hide.

Take down that juicy fruit
That surely belongs to you

And send your doubts a sailing
And gobble up the fruit.