Voyager The Soul Tarot
The lovely modern Tarot
with the name of Voyager
is the one I love.
The cards have a multitude
of beautiful images.
This allows me to access my intuition.

with the name of Voyager
is the one I love.
The cards have a multitude
of beautiful images.
This allows me to access my intuition.

The layout starts with the
Soul card,
this is the message
your Soul wants you to receive
right now.
The first part of the reading
Soul card,
this is the message
your Soul wants you to receive
right now.
The first part of the reading
consists of cards
addressing your:-
addressing your:-
Physical world
Male and female or logic and intuition .
These reveal your inner world.
Then we explore the cards representing
These reveal your inner world.
Then we explore the cards representing
Work or career
These cards reveal your outer world.
The reading is culminated
These cards reveal your outer world.
The reading is culminated
with a card drawn for the overview.

These readings are insightful,
healing and informative.
I supply you with
practical and easy ideas
for moving yourself forward in life.
You leave with a better understanding
practical and easy ideas
for moving yourself forward in life.
You leave with a better understanding
of who you are,
and how you are travelling.
and how you are travelling.

The reading
has to be longer than other Tarot,
as it is an in depth look
at all aspects of yourself.
at all aspects of yourself.
Each session is $90.00
Please ring for an appointment.
Rose Mary Maris

During a reading
Please ring for an appointment.
Rose Mary Maris
0400 814 301
10 Eden Park Drive
10 Eden Park Drive
This Whole Self Tarot spread
This Whole Self Tarot spread
can be used in a general way
as an insight to the
inner and outer influences
inner and outer influences
that are affecting your life.
It can also be applied to any
specific questions
It can also be applied to any
specific questions
you may have.
For example when applied
to a question about relationship,
it can help you assess the effect of this relationship
on your inner and outer world.
The reading enables you to integrate
The reading enables you to integrate
heart and Soul
and the connection between
your inner
and outer world.

During a reading
I use my intuitive abilities to access the
symbolic meaning for each individual.
I receive information from your
and your Guides and Angels.
and your Guides and Angels.
These readings are revealing
and empowering for you.
I use the cards as a catalyst
I use the cards as a catalyst
for insight,
healing and empowerment
healing and empowerment
to help you create the future
and life you desire.
The readings reveal
general principles
and life you desire.
The readings reveal
general principles
and strategies
for achieving wholeness in your life.
for achieving wholeness in your life.
Ultimately you are responsible for personalizing,
applying and acting upon
the information offered.
The Voyager Tarot is
applying and acting upon
the information offered.
The Voyager Tarot is
a cybernetic information system
- over time and space.
It gives you feed back
about where you are
about where you are
along your life's journey.
The reading shows you
The reading shows you
new and exciting possibilities
that you may wish to explore.
It presents you with a knowledge
that you do have choices,
and offers you
a greater control
over your destiny.
You as a Spiritual Being,
voyaging through life
that you do have choices,
and offers you
a greater control
over your destiny.
You as a Spiritual Being,
voyaging through life
may need the intuitive,
and philosophical insight
and philosophical insight
that this deck,
together with my interpretative skills
can bring you.
As you move along your path in life,
can bring you.
As you move along your path in life,
The Voyager Tarot can be a great
navigational tool to guide you.
Each session is one and a half hours.
This reading
Each session is one and a half hours.
This reading
has to be longer than other Tarot,
as it is an in depth look
at all aspects of yourself.
Each session is $90.00
at all aspects of yourself.
Each session is $90.00
Please ring for an appointment.
Rose Mary Maris
Rose Mary Maris
0400 814 301
10 Eden Park Drive
10 Eden Park Drive