About Me

My photo
Mornington, Victoria, Australia
I have been seeing clients and helping them to bring about changes in their lives for 40yrs. Bringing personal change and growth to those who come to see me. I see clients of all ages and occupations, they often tell me how much these sessions with me have brought about change and growth in their lives. It is an honour and a privilege to be witness to the personal power that lies dormant within you.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Time

Christmas time is apon us once again.

A time for giving and receiving.
Love and joy to all.
Yet some do not have the love and joy,
and have nothing to give or recieve.

This year why not make Christmas -
some thing special for some one you know.
Instead of giving to an anonimous charity.
Look around your neighbourhood,
is there some one you could give to,
they do not need to know,
you can place it in their letter box.
A small offering from some one who cares.
Be brave and then feel the feeling it gives you,
for you are doing this for you,not for them.
The feeling of satisfaction,
this simple act can bring is immence,
I know I do this all the time, so know how it feels.

Try it out for yourself, go on I dare you.
Well here is my gift to you.

You are the most special person in the world.
The Universe created you,
so how could you be other wise?

The energy that runs through you
is the one that creates all life.

You are part of this energy,
 so could you not be perfect,
just the way you are.

Now go out and buy yourself a special gift,
just for you.
I have bought myself the CD
with the song Firework on it, I love it.

I am wrapping it for me and putting it under my tree
to remind myself how special I am to me.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


A creative person
has to be comfortable with insecurity.
Whether you are creating a relationship, a family,
 a new job, a new way of living
 or even a work of art,
you need to be comfortable with insecurity.
In all these cases you never know what will happen.

Insecurity leads to movement towards security,
the constant search for that stability we crave
drives us through the present moment insecurity towards creativeness.

This then brings the security we seek.

Then we have a taste for the creativeness,
which leads to more insecurity,
which needs to be satisfied -so the cycle goes on.
Each turn of the wheel brings fortune
 and more creativeness.
Being reckless is not creativeness,
it is not the same process,
there is no drive towards
 satisfaction and completion.
Creativeness is satisfaction and completion,
 even if things are only completed in your thinking and not manifested by you,
 they are still your creation,
your cycle will be complete
and will recreate another cycle of insecurity.
The greatest insight about creativity
 is the fact that it often comes from
boredom of the mundane.
So exitement is the precurser of the creativity,
 the insecurity is often hidden by the excitement,
which we call inspiration.
Dig deep to discover
 that those who are not creative,
fear the insecurity it brings,
so they think it is easier to be stable
 and feel secure in their non-creative state.
Yet they are still creating that state,therefor that which seems to be stable is in fact not so !!
They then feel even more insecure
in their lives,and become stuck.
Unstick yourself,
 take some risks to get what it is you want,
 and you will become inspired once more.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Star Dust


The stardust at your feet
 is your inspiration,
 it is where your heart desires are brought into action.

 As you walk,
 realise that you are walking
 each and every step towards yours hearts desires.

Some times it feels as if you are walking in the wrong direction,
just know that you never can.

Each and every step is on the path of your desires.

It could never be not so.

For each step has meaning
 and each step takes you forward
even if it feels as if it is taking you backwards.

So just trust the stardust,
for you were the one who put it there.

Move forward with a dance in your step
and lightness in your heart,
for you can never put a foot wrong,
you just judge that you do so.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Monthly Motivators - Power

What have you done to take back your power?
What have you done to heal yourself?
Be the peace on Earth that you seek from others.
Let go of anger,
and past hurts.
Forgive the past,

whatever that nightmare may have been for you.
Become the dream that you dream to be.
Live that dream.
Have willingness to forgive and change the world.
Not only your world,

but the world of others too.
For as forgiveness flows through you,
Then too does it flow from you

 to those around you.
You do not need to know how to forgive,
You do not have to know how you will do this,

 you just need to  have a willingness

and an intention to do it,
And you will be presented

with opportunities to do so.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Monthly Motivators

The Elements

Each time you feel the wind upon your face,
It is life reminding you to live.
Each time you feel the sun’s warm embrace,
It is life reminding you to live.
Each time you feel the cool drops of rain upon your hair,
It is life reminding you to live.
And each time you feel the Earth beneath your feet,
It is life reminding you to live.
So live your life,
 Accept the winds of change,
Welcome them with excitement and anticipation.
Take the sun’s fiery passion,
And add it to the passion beating in your heart.
Drink in the drops of life giving rain,
To cool and calm you.
And take each step firmly towards your dreams,
Knowing you are supported,
And your path can be easy to follow.
All that surrounds you encourages you to live your life,
The way you choose.
Take that first exciting, passionate and cool step today.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Pretend you are happy,
 pretend it has all worked out
and pretend you have what you want

 Feel the vibrationof this and it will work out.

 For as you are pretending
- you are feeling
- which comes from
-and produces more thoughts
 -which are vibrations
-leading to manifestation.

 Lets all pretend together
 and be happier,
and healthier.

We can make the world a better place
 by making ourselves
 a better place to dwell in.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Using you Heart Chakra

Using your Heart Chakra.

Your Heart Chakra has always been,
 and will always be open.

Your fears are what you are or have been using,
 to stop you moving forward.

Recognise the feeling of the Heart Chakra
and then you will know how to evaluate a situation.

This is how you do it.

Sit for a few moments and picture a red rose,
this image represents love.

Feel how it feels - to feel and be love.

Then when you are doubtful about any situation,
 sit and feel the feeling around it.

Take time to allow any fears to subside,
 then feel.
If it feels the same as the love you felt,
 then it is right for you.

How to bring your love to a situation or relationship.

 When you want to choose to feel this feeling,
  sit and visualise the red rose,
 get the feeling and then be the feeling of love
 in the presence of that person or situation.

You do not have to let the person
know this is what you are feeling,
 the feeling of love is for you to feel,
 not necessarily to share that you are feeling it.

Get used to feeling love in the presence of others,
 and it will become who you are.

Remember your heart chakra is always working,
it is just waiting for you to feel it,
 and then compare it,
 or bring it into,
 your relationships or situations.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Monthly Motivators

Monthly Motivators

This is the time to review your life circumstances,
check out those which enliven and invigorate you,
and delete those which do not.

spiritual direction
and any other you can think of.

Somethings that deplete you,
 you think cannot change,
yet you can eliminate
the aspects that deplete your energy
and enhance those that do the opposite.

change your view of certain people,
or change your attitude
to certain aspects of your life.

 the only thing you have complete control over
is your attitude.
That is powerful if you use your attitude changer
to enhance and invigorate your life.

Suddenly energy levels rise
and inspiration floats in
through the open doorway of your mind.
 Review your relationships,