About Me

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Mornington, Victoria, Australia
I have been seeing clients and helping them to bring about changes in their lives for 40yrs. Bringing personal change and growth to those who come to see me. I see clients of all ages and occupations, they often tell me how much these sessions with me have brought about change and growth in their lives. It is an honour and a privilege to be witness to the personal power that lies dormant within you.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Motivators

Have you ever put yourself before another
 and felt the guilt from doing so?

Have you ever not spoken your truth to another
 and felt the guilt for doing so?

Have you never felt the way you want to in a relationship
 and felt the guilt for doing so?

This guilt is the way you process life,
 it is the way you feel about yourself
 and how you measure the value you have about yourself.

For if you valued yourself,
you would not feel guilt about being true to yourself.

To show yourself your true worth,
 vow to be truthful,
 put yourself first,
and feel the true feelings in your relationships,
 just for one day.

Then at the end of the day
 assess how you feel and how your day went for you.

I guarantee it will be a more satisfying
 and powerful day for you,
for self worth is all you need
 to bring about change and growth.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monday motivators

This is the day of being present in your life.
The gift in being present,
is the gift of knowing what it is you want,
and being in the moment
 to see that you already have it surrounding you.

You have all that you need right now,
 be present and know this.
You do not need anything else right now,
 only that which you have already.
Does this make sense?
If not ask yourself what does this mean.

You thought you wanted more money,
better relationships, and to feel better.

Yet I am saying you have all these things and more,
you just do not believe that you have,
seeing is believing they say,
yet believing is seeing really.

See the difference?

Believe in something
 and you have it instantly on the way to you.
Do not believe it is there
 and this is true for you too.

So are you going to gift yourself today
with the power of being present in your life.

Being present means living it to the full
and not wasting time wishing you had more,
and in so doing
 ignoring that which you already have.

Enjoy what you have
and then you invite more of the same into your life.

As simple and as complicated as that.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Pride in who you are

Be proud of who you are.

What will you do with your freedom?

For you have the freedom to choose anything you desire-

You just have to desire it.

What will you choose?






A new house?


What would fulfil you?

What would make you complete and ready for the next step?

Emotional fulfilment, pride in who I am,

what I do, how I relate,

and how I feel – regardless of whether the feeling is

negative or positive.

Just accept it all for what it is

An expression of who you are.

And it is all good

And you should be proud of yourself.

Here is an affirmation that you may find useful.

I am proud of the fact that I am growing

Each day towards the real me.

The me I desire to be-

Loving, kind and gentle,

Powerful and accepting,

Tolerant and forgiving.

This is emotional fulfilment for me

At this moment.

Pride in who I am and what I do.

For this is me connecting with who I really am.