About Me

My photo
Mornington, Victoria, Australia
I have been seeing clients and helping them to bring about changes in their lives for 40yrs. Bringing personal change and growth to those who come to see me. I see clients of all ages and occupations, they often tell me how much these sessions with me have brought about change and growth in their lives. It is an honour and a privilege to be witness to the personal power that lies dormant within you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

From here to Eternity

From here to Eternity,
 how do we get from where we are now
 to where you want to be?
The path is there, you just have to walk it.
Passion is your guide and happiness
 and satisfaction is your goal.
Your Soul knows it is eternal and abundant,
 yet you as a personality sometimes forget this
or deny it.
Why would you deny all that is yours
to have and yours to experience forever?
Is it fear of the wealth of all that you desire
coming into fruition?
Is it the disbelief of it all?
Or  is it the fact that you believe
 that you are happy where you are
and do not wish to have the excitement
 and satisfaction
of movement in your life?
Hear the call of your Soul,
 it speaks to you across the void of time,
where the echos of who you truly are reside.
These echos are enhanced and exploded
 into fabulous rainbows of possibilities.
Take some time today
 and tomorrow
 and the next day
and all the days of your life,
 to stop and experience
the abundance of all things around you.
Look at nature
 and the abundance
and abandon it encapsulates within it.
When you concrete a driveway,
 tiny shoots will push their way through any small crack,
 they have the strength and capacity to do this.
They know they have the will
 and the courage to seek out life
 with all of the energy they have.
Life is all to them.
It is now time
 for you to find these same attributes within you,
 they have never been lost,
they have been there all the time,
 you are just choosing to ignore them.
Turn on your life,
 be fully present for yourself and others,
do not get lost in  the machinations of a tedious life,
for you only have one life
and this is it.
Get off the roundabout of the mundane
 and take the ride of your life.
Take a risk
 for it is time for change to come flowing into your life.
Look at what it is you truly want to achieve,
 for today is the day to take the first step in that direction.
What is it you need to do today
to make life meaningful and worthwhile?
Then just go ahead and do it,
it can only make life more daring and exciting,
and there is nothing wrong with that is there?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Monday Motivators - Happiness

Monday Motivators – Happiness.

Happiness is not something you get by doing something

like a holiday or shopping, or buying a new car.

These  only bring temporary satisfaction.

Happiness can never be had by doing, it is a state of being.

All feelings are a state of being not doing.

Decide how you want to be, before you decide what to do.

If all you do comes from a sense of dissatisfaction and unhappiness,

then all the actions in the world will not change how you feel.

Change how you feel first

and then all that you will do will come from within

and the outcomes will bring you

happiness and satisfaction.

So how do you change your state of being,

if it is not through doing?

Well thoughts produce emotions which lead to actions,

so the way to happiness is to change your thoughts.

Catch yourself in your thinking,

tune into yourself

and realize how your thoughts are running through your head,

thus producing how you feel.

Acknowledge your feelings,

by simply saying I am feeling ----- whatever it is you are feeling.

This simple act of owning your thoughts and feelings,

without judgement or condemnation

is disempowering to negativity.

This opens up a space in your mind for solutions,

inspiration and yes happiness.
Remember- You can do anything because you are everything

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What do I 'do' when I see a client?
This video takes a look at the mystery
of what I do when I am sitting with a client,
 and how I come up with all the things
 that help them.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Life changing consultations.

I have been working with clients 
as a Spiritual Counsellor and Healer for thirty years.
Over this time I have seen hundreds of people 
change their life for the better,
renewing their personal power,
and bringing peace and happiness
 into their lives once more.
My psychic abilities together with the techniques I use,
ensure a quick and easy transition 
into the person you truly want to be.
When you come to see me you may 
experience any of the following
Counselling from your Guides and Angels,
hands on healing I refer to as Bio Sonics
as an alternative
I use the Voyager Tarot deck for readings on request.
(Please click the tabs above for more details.)
I believe that healing
 does not have to be a long drawn out process.
Just because you have been running a behaviour
for a long time,
does not mean it takes a long time to release it.
You put in the emotion that caused the behaviour in a millisecond,
therefor you can let go of it in a
 millisecond too.
It is easy to let go of things that are causing you pain,
or those which you feel are holding you back.
These things are not the real you,
 they are just learned behaviours that you are running.

My powerful systems of cutting edge modalities,
together with the guidance I receive
 about your personal situation,
will enable you to resolve lifelong issues,
 that may be severely limiting
your capacity to live your life
the way you want to.
You will leave with a feeling of hope for the future,
and usually some "homework"
to help you take back control of who you are
and how you would like to present yourself to the world.

I work on a
Sunday - Monday and Thursday during the day.
Each consultation is one and a half hours,
 the investment into your well being is

To make an appointment please ring
0400 814 301

Realise your full potential
Remember you can do anything because you are everything.