About Me

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Mornington, Victoria, Australia
I have been seeing clients and helping them to bring about changes in their lives for 40yrs. Bringing personal change and growth to those who come to see me. I see clients of all ages and occupations, they often tell me how much these sessions with me have brought about change and growth in their lives. It is an honour and a privilege to be witness to the personal power that lies dormant within you.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


A creative person
has to be comfortable with insecurity.
Whether you are creating a relationship, a family,
 a new job, a new way of living
 or even a work of art,
you need to be comfortable with insecurity.
In all these cases you never know what will happen.

Insecurity leads to movement towards security,
the constant search for that stability we crave
drives us through the present moment insecurity towards creativeness.

This then brings the security we seek.

Then we have a taste for the creativeness,
which leads to more insecurity,
which needs to be satisfied -so the cycle goes on.
Each turn of the wheel brings fortune
 and more creativeness.
Being reckless is not creativeness,
it is not the same process,
there is no drive towards
 satisfaction and completion.
Creativeness is satisfaction and completion,
 even if things are only completed in your thinking and not manifested by you,
 they are still your creation,
your cycle will be complete
and will recreate another cycle of insecurity.
The greatest insight about creativity
 is the fact that it often comes from
boredom of the mundane.
So exitement is the precurser of the creativity,
 the insecurity is often hidden by the excitement,
which we call inspiration.
Dig deep to discover
 that those who are not creative,
fear the insecurity it brings,
so they think it is easier to be stable
 and feel secure in their non-creative state.
Yet they are still creating that state,therefor that which seems to be stable is in fact not so !!
They then feel even more insecure
in their lives,and become stuck.
Unstick yourself,
 take some risks to get what it is you want,
 and you will become inspired once more.

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